Janice Kraft
/ Categories: Annoucements

May 13/14, 2023

Sixth Sunday Of Easter

Father Bogden will be away Monday May 15th, returning Friday June 2nd.  During his absence there will be no weekday morning Masses or Thursday Adoration.  Weekend masses will be held as usual and confession will be available before the Saturday evening Mass. 

May’s monthly parish Social Hour is rescheduled to Sunday May 21st directly after the morning Mass. 

Next weekend we will have a visiting missionary priest Fr. Bill Vos.  He will be speaking on behalf of the Benedictine Sisters from Chipole, Tanzania.  He represents our annual Mission Appeal assigned by the Diocese.  Fr. Vos spent 20 years working in East Africa and has worked closely with this community of Tanzanian Sisters.  They are a community of over 500 Sisters who serve in a wide variety of ministries and pastoral work in 13 Diocese in Tanzania.  These include health care, care for orphans, schools from K-12, technical training institutions and religious programs.  We will be doing a second collection at the Masses and please be generous with your donations to assist this community of very dedicated Sisters. 

Previous Article May 6/7, 2023
Next Article May 20/21, 2023
Liturgical Schedule

Daily Masses
Tuesday-Friday: 8:30AM


Weekend Masses
Saturday: 4:00PM
Sunday: 9:00AM



Saturday: 3:00 - 3:45PM
Thursday: 9:00 - 9:50 AM
and by appointment



Holy Days
9:00AM, 6:00PM



Holy Hour
Thursday: 9:00am-10:00am



8.30AM - Every Sunday before Mass


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